The Spark of Life

The heart pumps blood throughout the entire body. But what makes the heart pump? The heart’s natural pacemaker, the Sino Atrial node or SA node, a cluster of cells is what keeps the heart rate. The heart is made up of four chambers and the SA node is at the top right chamber or the…

DNA–The Common Thread of Life

  Between the three domains of life of Archae, prokarya, and eukarya their genetic information is stored as Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid (DNA).   These organisms are different from each other in many different ways yet share the same building blocks of life that is DNA. DNA contains the molecular instructions for life. Instructions such as determining…

Humans vs. Microbes

  Minute microbes are ironically the largest killers of humans throughout history. In fact Tuberculosis deaths worldwide is 1 billion over the last two centuries.1 In order to put it in perspective, the world population in 1800 was 1 billion.   The advent of Salvarsan in 1909 and the antibiotic era has curbed the encroachment…